Heal your body from within. Book your initial assessment at templ™ today
Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that involves inserting fine needles into specific points on the body. It stimulates and balances the flow of energy, known as qui or chi, through pathways called meridians. This flow of energy is known to relieve pain, promote natural healing and relaxation, and treat a variety of health conditions such as anxiety, stress, mood disorders, respiratory issues, gastrointestinal disorders, chronic diseases and more. Acupuncture can be used to treat simple infections such as the common cold all the way to complex imbalances and disorders such as infertility, auto-immune disorders and more.
For more information or to book your appointment, call us at (281) 846-6334 or click the button below to book your appointment online.
At templ™, we work with patients of all ages to manage or heal a range of concerns and conditions through acupuncture.
Reduces inflammation at the cellular level by regulating immune response and the expression of inflammatory agents
Improves blood circulation which promotes accelerated tissue healing
Releases pain-relieving, feel-good endorphins and other neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin
Acupuncture treatments have no down time and minimal side effects, if any
Acupuncture is believed to promote hormonal balance by stimulating specific points on the body, which can influence the release and regulation of hormones. Acupuncture can be used to treat a wide range of hormonal disorders such as PCOS, adrenal insufficiency, hyperthyroidism, menopause, irregular menstruation and more.
Acupuncture may also promote fertility through stress reduction, hormonal regulation, improved blood flow and improved egg and sperm quality. Acupuncture is often used as a supportive therapy complimentary to assisted reproductive technologies like IVF and IUI. Acupuncture may enhance the success rates of these treatments by improving implantation rates, reducing uterine contractions and alleviating side effects and the stress and anxiety that typically accompanies a fertility journey.
Apart from acupuncture, our practitioners also specialize in various holistic treatments and therapies specifically geared towards women's wellness and balance as well as pre-conception, pregnancy and postpartum support.
Texas Medical Board Licensed Acupuncturists 
Not Dry Needling
Doctors of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine Principles
“Dr. Anzola welcomed me in her new facility along with her staff on White Oak Dr. I had shoulder pain. I was treated by acupuncture and it was amazing. My shoulder pain is gone. I will certainly return if more health needs arises. Thank you Dr. Anzola”
-Kenny P.
“If you're even thinking about accupuncture, or if you're seeking alternative therapies beyond what Western Medicine can provide, I recommend Dr. Sarah Anzola without reservation. She is extremely knowledgeable and capable, and she fosters an atmosphere of trust and compassion from the very start. So happy to have found this place.”
-Carmen M.
“templ was my first experience with Acupuncture and Dr. Sarah took the time to educate and teach me about acupuncture and cupping. She has such a kind and genuine soul, a true healer. Dr. Sarah also provided a great new client folder with great reading material about the clinic, acupuncture, nutrition and a personalized diagnoses. Thank you templ!”
-Elise N.
For more information about any of our integrative medicine or holistic wellness modalities, please give us a call or book an appointment online.
Our Philosophy
At templ™, we encourage your body to truly heal from within by focusing on treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms.
Contact Us
Houston Heights:
3007 White Oak Dr. Houston, TX 77007
Email: Hello@templwellness.com
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